Dr. Vera Zdravkovich
Dr. Zdravkovich retired from Prince George’s Community College as Academic Vice President Emeritus. She has extensive teaching experience at the collegiate level and administrative experience as the Department Chair of Physical Sciences and then as the Dean of STEM and Health at Prince George’s Community College. She earned a baccalaureate degree in chemical engineering from the University of Belgrade in Yugoslavia and a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from the George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
For several years, Dr. Zdravkovich has served as a proposal reviewer for NSF and NIH. She was also the Principal Investiagor for several NSF projects, including the Institutional Reform project, the CyberWatch Center, and Catalyzing Computing and Cybersecurity at Community Colleges (C5). In 2020, she was part of the Leadership Team for the highly successful Faculty Grant Development and Mentoring program.
Dr. Zdravkovich currently serves as a Co-PI on the Community College Presidential Initiative in STEM (CCPI-STEM) and on the FORtifyingCybersecurity and Computing Education through ATE Grants (FORCCE-ATE).
When not working, Dr. Zdravkovich enjoys travelling and spending time with her grandchildren.